stakeholder interaction
We regularly communicate with different stakeholders to better understand our ever-changing operational environment. We gather valuable input from them which supports our decision-making process, for example on how we can keep developing our sustainability strategy.
Stakeholders give insight that helps us decide what topics should be considered material and their response also helps us understand how we are performing within the areas that we focus on. Therefore, we engage with our stakeholder groups on an ongoing basis:
- Employees
- Customers
- Governments and governmental agencies
- Analysts and investors
- Shareholders
- Business partners and suppliers
- NGOs
We consider anyone that affects or is affected by our activities a stakeholder. Since we make no exception to that rule, our range of stakeholders is broad. To manage this well and ensure all interests are considered, it is important for us to have practical and effective ways through which we engage with our stakeholders and stay connected with them. To keep a continuous dialogue with our stakeholders, Tele2 has included stakeholder engagement in its business processes. Concrete examples of stakeholder engagement are:
- Regularly consulting our employees through our quarterly MyVoice survey about their work at Tele2 in general, as well as sustainability matters in particular
- Presenting and discussing financial and sustainability results at the Annual General Meeting with our shareholders
- Entering dialogues with investors, bilaterally or though roadshows
- Performing continuous customer (satisfaction) surveys
- Regular conversations with governmental and non-governmental organizations, to exchange views on topics relevant to our operations and the future of our industry
- A structural relation with our business partners through our procurement department and the connecting business units, and in a more formal way through the Tele2 Business Partner Code of Conduct
During the second half of 2020, Tele2 conducted a comprehensive analysis of its past and future sustainability efforts, including gathering input from over 9,000 stakeholders. The result was the renewal of Tele2’s sustainability strategy, with a new and bolder ambition: To lead in sustainability.
Read more about our sustainability strategy and four focus areas here.