Our sustainability partners
The GSM Association
The GSM Association (GSMA) has an ambitious climate agenda that aligns with Tele2’s sustainability agenda. The GSMA drives industry initiatives such as net-zero for GHG emissions, human rights, and demonstrating the benefits of increased connectivity for individuals, companies and society.
We are a member of the GSMA Sustainability Network and the Climate Action Taskforce. We also lead the GSMA group on the circular economy for devices which aims to set a common definition for circularity of devices and common goals for the development of the circular economy for devices. In addition, we form part of the ESG Reporting Framework project groups aiming to simplify how telcos can report on ESG metrics.
Reach for Change
Tele2 is a founding partner of Reach for Change, an initiative that supports local social entrepreneurs who have a solution that improves the life of children and young people. Each year, Reach for Change incubates more than one hundred different social ventures that ultimately support several hundred thousand children and young people. For more than 10 years, we have provided Reach for Change with resources and expertise that helps them succeed in the markets where we compete. Tele2 also organize an annual 10 week program where Tele2's employees can spend up to 20 work hours to support a social entrepreneur from Reach for Change within their own competence areas. Head over to the Reach for Change webpage to learn more about their impact on children and young people.
Civil Rights Defenders and their Natalia Project
Tele2 strongly believes in freedom of speech. We are therefore proud to partner with Civil Rights Defenders and provide their important Natalia Project with our global IoT connectivity.
Read more about the Natalia Project and our partnership.
Datatjej and Tjejer Kodar
The telecom workforce in Sweden is currently made up by 70 percent males. Tele2 has committed to challenge that and reach an equal gender balance. To support this high ambition, we have launched a number of internal projects, but we also benefit from partnerships with organizations such as Datatjej and Tjejer Kodar .
Datatjej (“Data girls”) arranges meetings at Tele2’s headquarter in Kista, Stockholm, where members can connect and learn more about working within IT in a big tech company. Tjejer Kodar (“Coding Girls”) inspires young women to try out programming and arranges a number of different events in cooperation with Tele2.
ECPAT Sweden
ECPAT Sweden is a children’s rights organization working to combat the sexual exploitation of children. ECPAT Sweden also runs both the ECPAT Hotline, a website that gives the public an opportunity to anonymously report suspected sexual abuse of children, and ‘Ditt ECPAT’, a dedicated helpline for children and young people, and ‘Föräldrarhjälpen’ (Parents’ Help) to support parents regarding questions about sexual abuse.
Tele2 was a founding member of ECPAT’s telecom coalition – now known as the ECPAT Tech Coalition. The members of the coalition work together to prevent our products and services from being abused by perpetrators. Together we are working actively to stop the online exploitation of children. We provide technical solutions that support both Föräldrarhjälpen and Ditt ECPAT as well as telephony for ECPAT’s Swedish operations.
Prince Carl Philip’s and Princess Sofia’s Foundation
One of the Foundation’s areas of operation is to create a safer and more empathetic every day online life for children and young people through projects and initiatives that inform and create awareness of how living a life online affects children and young people.
Tele2, together with the Foundation has developed a module for the online school platform Lajka with recommendations and resources for parents. The module contains helpful information about online hate, legal obligations and a sexual abuse hotline. The module also includes a guide to physical and mental health for children and young people using connected devices.
Significant monetary contributions 2023
Reach for Change: SEK 1.6 Million
GSMA (all markets): SEK 878 000
National trade organizations (SE, ES, LV): SEK 943 000
Political contributions (all markets): SEK 0
Lobbying (consultancy fees, all markets): SEK 742 000