Sustainability Governance
Governance of Sustainability in Tele2
Tele2 has a dedicated team that works on both the day-to-day sustainability efforts as well as the long term strategic planning for sustainability. Because sustainability is an integral part of Tele2's corporate strategy, people up to the highest governance bodies in the organization are involved.
The sustainability strategy is reviewed on a yearly basis. During the Annual Board Strategy session the sustainability strategy is proposed to the Board for feedback and approval. Once approved, it will be executed under the responsibility of the Tele2 Group Leadership Team. Individual members of the Leadership Team take the responsibility for a focus area that falls within their competence, and lead the work within the organization to achieve the targets that are set.
Day-to-day subjects are dealt with in a similar way. Developments, risks and opportunities related to sustainability are regularly discussed in the Board's Audit Committee and General meetings. Examples are the recurring reviews of the Tele2 Code of Conduct, and the implementation of an updated privacy framework. For each subject, there is a corresponding responsible member within the Leadership Team.
For information about the governance of Tele2 in general, and the work of the Board and the Leadership Team, please see the relevant parts of our Annual and Sustainability Report.