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Dec 16, 2010 2:19 PM CET

Customers view on mobile data growth

Every second Swede is using internet on their mobile phone
- the amount of mobile data grew by over 100 percent the last six months.

We see that surfing on the Internet via your mobile phone is part of many of our customer´s everyday lives today. The use of mobile data has exploded. We initiated a survey conducted by Sifo, Sweden´s leading market research company, and the result is confirmed by our own figures. The amount of mobile data has more than doubled just during the past six months and the Swedes themselves believe that they will surf even more next year

The survey shows that the most important mobile internet function is the use of social networks. SMS has during a long time been an unchallenged tool to quickly update your friends. But today, updates on Facebook has become an equally common way to tell what you do or where you are. In addition, we do much more with the mobile phone today, from reading the newspaper to tweet and share funny clips on YouTube. Developments in the mobile usage is extremely fast and we notice that more and more of our customers are hitting the surf wave,

For us as an operator we play a big and important part in our customers need to be connected to the internet, updating friends, emailing and munch more on the go.