On May 23, 2005, Tele2 carried out a share split whereby every share, irrespective of share class, was split into 3 ordinary shares and 1 redemption share. The redemption shares were redeemed on June 17, 2005 and payment of SEK 10 per share took place on June 22, 2005. The Swedish Tax Authorities state that the acquisition cost for Tele2 shares should be allocated by 4.5 % cost to the redemption shares and by 95.5 % to the other shares.ExampleIf Tele2 shares were acquired before the split for SEK 200, SEK 9 (200 x 0.045) should be allocated to the redemption shares as an acquisition cost and the remaining SEK 191 (200 – 9) to the other 3 shares, i.e. SEK 63.70 per share.This general advice is applicable in the assessment of tax from 2006.For more detailed information, please see the Swedish Tax Authorities’ general advice (SKV A 2005:14) and statement (SKV M 2005:11) on CONTACTSLars-Johan Jarnheimer President and CEO, Tele2 ABTelephone: + 46 8 562 640 00Håkan Zadler CFO, Tele2 ABTelephone: + 46 8 562 640 00Dwayne Taylor Telephone: + 44 20 7321 5038Lena Krauss Telephone: + 46 8 562 000 45 Investor enquiriesVisit us at our homepage: