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Wholesale Customer Information on Covid-19

Like the rest of society, we at Tele2 Wholesale, along with our customers, partners, and suppliers, are affected by the continued spread of the Corona virus. It is of course important for us to protect our staff from getting or spreading infection. At the same time, we also want to ensure that we can continue to deliver our community-based services to our customers, which in this situation is more important than ever.

As of March 13, we have closed all Tele2 offices and a majority of our employees are working from home, with the exception of certain functions such as Network Operations Center. Our customer support will work as usual even if some work from home. Given the current situation, there is a risk that you as a customer will be affected and we hope you understand this.

We primarily prioritize our infrastructure. As a natural consequence of the situation, we may have longer response times for quotations and orders, as well as longer delivery times, although we are striving to minimize this as much as possible. Our priorities right now are operational delivery and fault management.

Again, our ambition is that you will be affected as little as possible by this situation. Many of our customers operate their business remotely using Tele2 services and we have now secured capacity when more people than usual use our many services.

We will update this page continuously if the situation changes. If you have any questions or need help, you are always welcome to contact our customer support or customer contact at +46 8 6844 6000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Tele2 have a crisis plan/action plan to deal with the situation?

Yes, we have both continuity planning and a crisis action plan, which we are working on and updating based on current circumstances. However, we do not currently consider ourselves in a state of crisis – the measures we are taking are preventative in mitigating a critical situation.

What is Tele2’s policy regarding external meetings?

We prioritize digital channels and work remotely. The exception is for example cases where we need to be onsite or at the customer in order to be able to provide services to our customers.

Can Tele2 guarantee it will continue to deliver as usual?

As a natural consequence of the situation, we can have longer response times for quotations and orders, as well as longer delivery times, which we strive to minimize as much as possible. Currently, the priorities are fault management and operational management.

When it comes to our ability to deliver products to you, our suppliers have variations in their lead times. We still have good access to the components and products that both we and customers need. Given the current situation, we cannot guarantee that the situation will not change quickly.

Will Tele2 be able to handle any disruptions?

Yes. All functions work as usual, either from home or where needed, such as field service. Our continuity planning includes, among other things, securing our emergency loops.

Can Tele2’s network withstand the increased traffic?

We see a traffic increase in both our fixed and mobile data traffic, but the networks are currently sized according to when there is the most traffic (peak hour) and there are currently no indications that the networks would be burdened more than what we experience during these periods. We currently have plenty of capacity to handle any traffic increase for both fixed and mobile data traffic. Of course, we are following the situation closely in order to be able to quickly identify any capacity deficiencies and rectify these through, for example, upgrades.

What measures is Tele2 taking in order to minimize the affects of Covid-19?

Tele2 is taking a number of measures in all business segments in order to avoid or reduce the risk of injury such as the spread of infection or delivery problems of Tele2's services.

In order to avoid an escalated situation, the first measures were initiated as early as January 2020. Should the current situation deteriorate, there are several additional measures to take; these measures are documented in Tele2's continuity and crisis plans.

Who do I contact with further questions?

We will update this page continuously if the situation changes. If you have any further questions or anything that we can help you with, please contact your customer contact or our customer support at +46 8 6844 6000.

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