Annual General Meeting 2020
The Annual General Meeting 2020 was held on May 11, 15:00 CEST, at Tele2’s premises on Torshamnsgatan 17 in Kista, Stockholm. Due to the corona pandemic, shareholders were encouraged to vote by proxy or a representative, in order to limit the number of participants.
Documents and links
Adopted Articles of Association
Press release on withdrawn proposal regarding extraordinary dividend
Recorded presentations
Anders Nilsson, CEO and President of Tele2
This presentation covers Tele2’s efforts and results during 2019 as well as the corona pandemic’s effects on Tele2’s business.
Carla Smits-Nusteling, Chairwoman of Tele2
This presentation covers the Board’s work during 2019, as well as the Board’s proposals for: Dividends (item 9), Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives (item 16), Incentive programme (items 17(a)-(e)), Authorisation for the Board to resolve to repurchase own shares (item 18) and Amendment of the Articles of Association (item 19).
Georgi Ganev, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
This presentation includes a presentation of the Nomination Committee members, as well as the Board’s proposals for: Determination of the number of members of the Board and election of the members of the Board and the Chairman of the Board (items 11, 13(a)-(g) and 14), Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Board and the auditor (item 12) and Determination of the number of Auditors and election of Auditor (item 15).
Any questions about the AGM or the information and documents above may be submitted to [email protected].